bi visibiliity: you are vaild

By Anissa Lozano, OkaySo Intern

Many time over comments like "you're confused" or "it's just a phase" or even "you'll grow out of it" and others more are hurdled at folks in the rainbow community, invalidating their feelings, thoughts and experiences.

We are here to shout out: You are not confused, this is not a phase, your feelings are vaild, and you are vaild! For those who put the B in LGBTQIA+ community---HAPPY BI VISIABILITY DAY!!! Celebrated since 1999, September 23rd is Bi Visibility Day, where bisexual people, the bisexual community and the history of bisexuality is recognized and celebrated.

There are so many amazing bisexual folks in our community past and present, people like Josephine Baker, Billie Holiday, Olivia Ponton, Frank Ocean, and so many more! Appreciating and sending lots of love to our Bi community members today and everyday!

If you want talk things out more, download OkaySo on the app store to chat with our experts!

Keep reading:

How do I come out?

How do I know if I’m gay?

Is it normal to question my sexuality?

How do I know if I’m asexual?


ready for some LGBTQIA+ history?


what do i do if i don’t know how to identify?