is nonbinary and gender non-conforming the same thing?

By Anissa Lozano, OkaySo Intern

It can be a little confusing but remember you get to decide what best fits you!

Now, it may be easier to think about non-binary in this way--- binary is the idea that things like gender identity, gender expression, someone's sex or sexual orientation have only two definite, and opposite ways. That there are only two sexes, male or female, only two genders, man and woman. Non- Binary rejects this idea, and goes outside of or beyond these ways! And thus so do those who identify as non- binary. Non- binary folks may identify as being both a man and a woman, somewhere in between, or completely outside these categories.

Closely related is Gender non- conforming! Someone whose gender identity and/or gender expression does not ​follow​ ​the ​traditional ​expectations ​thought of for​ gender​ in their culture or society​, ​specifically related to male​ ​or female. This can be an umbrella term for many​ ​identities such as agender, bigender, genderqueer or gender-fluid just to name a few!

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